“A voice proclaims: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord!”

The mission of cultivating God’s life in another’s soul is at the heart of all of our apostolates, we seek to communicate Him and foster the love and knowledge of Him in every soul we serve. With our Lady we seek to bear the Word to the world, carrying Him in our souls and letting Him love through us.
Some of our current apostolates:
Since our foundation we have been blessed to serve with Catholic Youth Expeditions- an apostolate to youth and young adults through expeditions retreats in Door County, WI. We serve the ministry both by welcoming the youth who come and also doing much of the behind the scenes cooking, cleaning, and preparing. It is a joy to serve our youth!
With our own love for silence, it is a particular joy for us to help provide opportunities for souls of all ages to be with the Lord in silence. Both through Catholic Youth Expeditions and within other ministries, we love helping souls grow in confidence that they can hear the Lord and discover more deeply the joy of being in a living relationship with Him.
The Word of God is for all so it is our joy to go to all ages with the joy of the Gospel. It is a privilege to visit the elderly and infirm who are home-bound or in nursing homes - just to bring a smile, say a rosary, listen to their wisdom, their worries, or pray a little lectio divina with them. Always seeking to bear our Lord’s light, love, and presence into their homes.
“Blessed are you poor…” In those who are in prison we also meet the Face of the poor Christ. We are blessed to do one-on-one visits at a women's prison. Here, too, we listen, pray, and spend time with them in the Word of God.
To reach more souls we also often go into parishes and schools, especially to teach lectio divina. It is a particular joy to see another soul hear the Lord in their own heart. From a brief visit to 3-day missions, we are grateful to support priests as we are able in helping form the faithful of their parish in prayer.
Flowing from our deep love for the ministerial Priesthood, we welcome Priests on silent retreat, serving them on the grounds of St Josephs’s Formation Center. We offer a place of solitude with the Lord and prepare meals throughout their time here, to provide a place of rest in the Lord.