Discernment with the Missionaries of the Word
“I am my Beloved’s and He is mine.”

“Of you my heart has spoken,
“Seek His Face..”
Beneath the religious habit, the silent prayers raised in Adoration, in the midst of the daily rhythm of work and study, and the little sacrifices offered for souls, lies a foundational, yet often overlooked reality of religious life. More than anything else a religious sister is a woman in love with Jesus. A woman who enters religious life does not enter as a “Plan B,” because she didn’t find anyone in the world to marry. A woman who is called enters for just the opposite reason: it is because she found the One she loves- Jesus Christ! This oneness with Christ flows from the sacrificial offering of herself to Christ, the sacrifice of husband and children and the clarity of the sacrifice, not seeking to create substitutes for this sacrifice but instead emptying herself in order that He may live His life in her.
Falling in love is the most life-changing event. Nothing is the same. There is an indescribable and yet unmistakable fullness in one’s heart that brings joy, peace, life, meaning, and direction. There is an immense desire to be with that person, listen to him, share with him, to bring him joy. In short, to give one’s self unreservedly to him. As this can be beautifully witnessed in sacramental marriages so too there is fullness here with a sister’s relationship with Christ. In the mystery of His will He granted her a glimpse of His love, His infinite love. There arises in her heart her response, the compelling need to be with Him, to give herself totally and unreservedly to Him.
This invitation to spousal love of Christ, is not merited or earned, it is not an “award” for the practice of virtue, it is an invitation. Christ has utter respect for our free will. Yet, most honestly, a woman who has fallen in love with Christ finds that she no longer has a heart to freely give to another in marriage, because it is already totally won by the beauty of Christ. The vows she takes of poverty, chastity, and obedience are a means of drawing closer in her relationship with Christ, who Himself was poor, chaste, and obedient while on earth. These vows unite a sister to Christ and to the Cross; the Cross and Christ are inseparable. Her spouse is Christ crucified, and the union of her will to His costs everything. But here too is hidden the gift, for by being brought into Christ’s suffering she is also brought into His spiritual fecundity. She is fruitful in the measure that she cleaves to Christ unreservedly, laying down her will and joining it to His will.
Discern with
the Missionaries of the Word
Dear Young Women,
Christ’s joy to you! This is Sr. Lucia, I serve as vocations directress for our community. If you are drawn to begin a conversation about discernment please contact me via snail mail or by phone. Whether you are just beginning to look at the possibility of being called to religious life or know His call with conviction, I am happy to listen with you to Him. Know that the sisters and I have no desire to steer any young woman to our community; for each soul that comes we seek only to help them in hearing the Lord’s will, wherever He leads. I reverence your journey and rejoice with you as you follow Him! If I can be of any help, please be in touch!
In Jesus,
Sr. Lucia, MW
Address: Sr. Maria Lucia, MW
3035 O’Brien Rd
Baileys Harbor, WI 54202
Phone: (920) 493-9385