Total Abandonment to the Father with Faith and Love

Abandonment, then, is the foundational disposition from which everything flows as a Missionary of the Word.
-Constitutions, par 41
“Father, Into Your Hands..”
It is from Christ that we first learn to live this total abandonment to the Father. During His life on earth, Jesus modeled for us this total abandonment, living utterly open, docile, dependent, and joyfully within the Father’s will, relying on Him for all. Meditating on His life, from His birth in the stable, to His agony on the Cross, we learn, from our Divine Spouse, His confidence in His Father’s tender care, love, and providence at every moment.
As daughters of our Blessed Mother, we confidently approach her Immaculate Heart to learn from her the faith and trust of our spirituality. As she lived with perfect faith her total abandonment to the Father, we learn from her to lift up our hearts always to Him and to “go in haste” with joy to serve the needs of those to whom the Lord calls.
“Let it be done to me according to your word…”
From St. Joseph too, from his silent obedience, his prompt docility to God’s will, we seek to be formed in our spirituality. As Joseph led the Holy Family, his vocation drew him into profound faith and unreserved trust in the Father. We turn to him, especially in the sufferings and mysteries of our journeys, to respond with faith and generosity.
“[Joseph] rose and took the Child and His Mother by night…”
“Consider the lilies, see how they grow…”
Our community finds great joy in living our spirituality of abandonment. Here we are daily invited into the “freedom of the children of God” by learning to trust our good Heavenly Father with everything, confident in His love, his providential care. This abandonment affects everything in our lives and is lived in the present moment by accepting the ‘now’ and receiving God, the great “I AM” in the present moment with all its particularity, its joys and sufferings, and seeking through all to behold the face of God, the very Love and goodness of the Father.