“Whatever is true…think of these things.”
—Phil 4:8
As a community we are deeply grateful for the rich resources available, both old and new, to help deepen our spiritual lives. We thought we would share some of our many favorites with you. It is in no way an exhaustive list (and we have intentionally omitted some classics that are more universally known), but hope you may find a new treasure among the titles!
Abandonment to Divine Providence
By Fr. Jean Pierre Caussade
Beautifully articulates a spirituality of total abandonment to the Father . Editions that also include Fr. Caussade's letters are particularly worthwhile.
Practice of the Presence of God
By Brother Lawrence
On the simple and tremendously fruitful and joyful practice of living in the presence of the living God and means to grow in this practice.
The Complete works of Elizabeth of the Trinity
Publish the the Carmelite Studies
St. Elizabeth had a profound devotion to the indwelling of the Blessed Trinity in her soul. Her writings draw the soul to enter more deeply into this mystery.
He Leadeth Me
Fr. Walter Ciszek
Profound story of an American Priest called to be a Missionary in Soviet Russia. He shares the fruits of his interior life during 23 years in Siberian prisons and labor camps.
The Impact of God
by Fr. Ian Matthew
Our community was first introduced to this book by a Carmelite Friar. It wonderfully unpacks John of the Cross' understanding of the interior life.
With Empty Hands
by Fr. Conrad de Meester
Fr. De Meester helps highlight the depth of St. Therese's little way and has a gift of to help the reader see both the humanity and heroism of this great saint.
Into Your Hands, Father
By Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen. A concise yet rich little book on living total abandonment to the Father, drawing much from the writings of Fr. Caussade.
The Holy Spirit, Fire of Divine Love
By Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen
A wonderful introduction into the Church's understanding of the Person action of the Holy Spirit, stirring one's a desire for a deeper fidelity and union with Him.
Faith, Hope, and Love
by Josef Pieper. Philosophical yet assessable, Pieper unpacks the rich depths of the theological virtues in a way that helps one behold them and strive for them more ardently.
Interior Freedom
by Fr. Jacque Philippe. A favorite gem among the young adults we serve, Fr. Philippe wonderfully articulates the greatness of our freedom in Christ.
One with Jesus
Fr. Paul de Jaegher, SJ. Perhaps our favorite out of all that are listed, this thin book lingers on the tremendous dignity of the Christian vocation: the life of Union with Christ.
Collected Poems
By St. Robert Southwell, SJ. Poetry both intense and rich, made all the more compelling in light of his martyrdom. A Child by Choice, and Burning Babe are favorites within the community.
My Spirit Rejoices
By Elisabeth Leseur. The diary of a French lay woman who lived a life of profound intimacy with Christ amidst her upper class society. After her death, her husband found her writings which became the means through which the Lord drew him from atheism to the Catholic faith.
Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers
By Jessica Powers (Sr. Miriam of the Holy Spirit, OCD). Refreshingly simple, yet equally profound, Sr. Miriam's poetry articulates well the journey of a soul in God.
Wellspring of Worship
By Fr. Jean Corbon. This book on the on the Trinitarian Life and the liturgy is rich and well worth the attention needed while reading. Its depth is not quickly exhausted and one could read it many times with new profit.
Discernment of Spirits
By Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OMV. This book is endlessly practical, helping a soul to distinguish and act in light of the Holy Spirit.
The Great Divorce
By C.S. Lewis. With marvelous insight, Lewis captures the varied human responses to the invitation eternal life in heaven.
Mary Was Her Life
by Sr. Mary Pierre, RSM. Describing the life of Ven. Teresa Quevedo, the young Spanish girl who died at the age of 20. She had a profound devotion to our Blessed Mother, often praying, “My Mother, grant that everyone who looks at me may see you!" Her example is a beautiful witness to life shared with our Blessed Mother.
Diary of St. Faustina
By St. Faustina. Read in bits or cover-to-cover. There is so much here for prayer both in the life of St. Faustina and, of course, in the private revelation of His Mercy to her for the modern world.
The Life of Fr. De Smet, SJ: Apostle of the Rocky Mountains
By Fr. E. Laveille, SJ. An amazing story of a Belgian Missionary who spent himself to bring the Gospel to the Native Americans in the Rockies and Pacific Northwest. His tremendous missionary zeal and his priestly dedication are woven throughout stories of his adventures in the American wilderness to bring the Gospel to souls.
Mother Teresa: In the Shadow of Our Lady
By Fr. Joseph Langford, MC. Perhaps our community's favorite book on our Bl. Mother, we revisit it annually before renewing our consecration to our Blessed Mother. As Co-founder of the Priest branch of the Missionaries of Charity, Fr. Langford writes as one who knew Mother Teresa closely and helps the reader to learn how to learn from Mother Teresa how to live more closely with our Lady.
God the Joy of My Life
by Fr. Michael Griffin, OCD. St. Teresa of the Andes, died at the age of 19. Her short life, both outside and inside the convent, was marked by her charity, joy, and desire for union with Jesu Crucified.
Introduction to Christianity
By Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. The book walks systematically through the Creed. He lingers on the first words, "I believe..." pondering what it means to believe in the modern world and what the Church understands by faith. Like anything of Pope Benedict's--it takes attention but is well worth the effort.
Come Rack, Come Rope
by Robert Hugh Benson. A historical fiction that follows the experience of Catholics amidst the persecution in Elizabethan England. The vast majority of characters and events are historical, yet it reads with the ease of a fiction.
Saint Raphael Baron: The Collected Works
By St. Raphael Baron. The spiritual writings of a Cistercian Monk who died from complications with diabetes. The illness took him several times, in and out of the community and drew from his heart a great abandonment and simplicity of heart.
The Spiritual Direction of St. Claude de la Colombiere
(Arranged by Mother M. Philip, IBVM). St. Claude was the spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary. Jesus told St. Margaret Mary that St. Claude was "his perfect friend." The confidence in the mercy of God and the generous response of love to Love comes through all of his spiritual counsel.
Christ the Life of the Soul
By Bl. Columba Marmion. The good Abbott beautifully lays out the heart of the spiritual life of Christ living His life in us and we living in Him. Systematic in approach, Bl. Marmion draws readers to behold anew the joy of being children of God.
Lyra Martyrum
Anthology of Poetry from the English Martyrs
Worshipping a Hidden God
Archbishop Luis Martinez
Union with God
Compiled from Letters of Spiritual Direction from Bl. Columba Marmion, OSB
The Sanctifier
By Archbishop Luis Martinez
The Mystical Rose
Reflections on the Blessed Virgin Mary by Bl. John Henry Newman
Story of a Soul
By St. Therese
Catherine of Sienna: Mystic of Fire, Preacher of Freedom
By Fr. Paul Murray, OP
On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering
By Pope John Paul II
The Lord Is My Joy
By Fr. Paul De Jaegher
Redemptoris Missio
By Pope John Paul II
Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word
4 Volume Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis (Any volume gives much food for prayer).
The Spirit of the Liturgy
By Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
The Way of the Disciple
By Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis
The Spiritual Life
Fr. Adolphe Tanquerey
My Sister, St. Therese
By Sr. Genevieve of the Holy Face (Celine Martin).
Only Jesus
Archbishop Luis Martinez