To live in Jesus, the Father’s one Word, and to empty ourselves, out of love, that He may live His life in us, drawing souls to the Father.

To live in Jesus, the Father’s One Word…
“To live in Jesus, the Father’s One Word, is to live in the Trinity, to live in Love” (Const. 12). Begun at baptism, a sister seeks to give herself totally, in every aspect of her being, to Jesus the Divine Word. Daily she seeks to let Him live in her, receiving Him in Sacred Scripture, the Eucharist, finding Him in the present moment, in her sisters, in all whom Jesus sends her. Everything draws her to Him, invites her to give herself to Him. She desires that the Father may look at her and behold His Beloved Son.
…and to empty ourselves out of love…
A Missionary of the Word desires to be totally given to the One who has totally given Himself to her, to love without measure, without calculation, to love with Christ’s own love for His Father. The vows of poverty, chastity and obedience give form to this desire, uniting her heart to the heart of her Crucified Spouse. As Jesus loved “to the end” those the Father gave Him, so too a Missionary of the Word seeks not only to give, but to empty herself, out of love for her Divine Spouse and for souls.
…that He may live His life in us…
“It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”
A Missionary of the Word lives hidden in the Word, hidden in Jesus Christ. Her desire is for union, for oneness with Christ. Her desire is that when the Father looks at her He beholds His beloved Son. Daily she seeks to receive His life more deeply and let Jesus draw her into His Pascal Mystery, her union with Him draws her into his total abandonment to the Father in love.
…drawing souls to the Father.”
The desire of the Heart of Christ is to draw all souls to His Father. As daughters of the Father and spouses of Jesus Christ, we desire what He desires. All of our apostolates are ordered to this end, to draw souls to behold the heart of our Heavenly Father, to encounter in Christ his tender love, his providence, the gift of His fatherhood in our lives. Jesus draws all souls to His Father through his total self-gift on the Cross. As Missionaries of the Word we seek with our Lady to remain close to Jesus there so as to participate in his salvific mission.
“To live in Jesus, the Father’s One Word, is to look upon the face of Jesus in Sacred Scripture and to see the Heart of God, who longs to reveal Himself…”
-MW Constitutions