Prayer and Horarium
“If you knew the gift of God…”

“We shall give ourselves to prayer with all the ardor of our hearts, the attention of our minds and the presence of our being…”
-Constitutions, Par 105
Pillars of our Prayer
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Our deepest union with God and communion with one another in community flows from the source and summit of our day. The Holy Mass is the absolute center of our day, here we receive our Divine Spouse in His Word and in the Eucharist and offer ourselves with Him to the Father. The Holy Mass is the source of our strength, our joy, our union with Him.
Lectio Divina
Upon rising, the first hour of our day is always devoted to Lectio Divina, the ‘heart to heart’ listening to Christ in His Word, receiving the Word’s revelation of the Heart of the Father and rejoicing in His living presence. It is a time to remain with our Lord, to be loved by Him, to Love Him and to rejoice in His Goodness and Beauty.
Liturgy of the Hours
As Missionaries of the Word, we rejoice to be daughters of the Church and treasure the privilege of joining in offering the Church’s ceaseless praise and intercession through the Liturgy of the Hours. We pray Office of Readings, Morning, Daytime, Evening, and Night Prayer. Here we drink His Word throughout our day.
Eucharistic Adoration
For each sister, the hour of daily Eucharistic Adoration is a treasured time with Jesus, our Divine Spouse. It is a time to come close, to love, to adore, listen, and simply to be with Him. This communal hour of prayer is prayed in silence.
Marian Devotion
Throughout our day we turn with a daughter’s heart to our Blessed Mother, asking to be formed after her Immaculate Heart. Praying the rosary is our daily time of intimacy with her, learning from our Mother to contemplate the divine mysteries. Each day ends with the community gathering at the feet of our Blessed Mother in our Chapel, singing to her and entrusting our day to her loving heart.
Recollection Day
Once a week, the community together takes a day in silence for greater prayer. It is a day to be alone with the Beloved, being loved by Him and loving Him, listening to Him over and over, adoring Him, allowing Him to speak to our hearts, and to form our hearts in the spirit of Love, the Spirit of Truth.
Sacramental Life
“We hold this treasure in earthen vessels…” With St. Paul we are aware of our humanity’s frailty and the need for grace. In His mercy through each sister’s daily examination of conscience and frequent reception of the sacrament of Confession we seek to be more generous in our response to His love. Knowing that He indeed, “delights in mercy.” We become the praise of Mercy when we believe and receive His Mercy.
Daily Horarium
5:15 Rise
5:45 Lectio Divina
6:45 Breakfast with Spiritual Reading in Silence
7:30 Morning Prayer
8:00 Holy Mass
8:45 Housework
9:15 Apostolate/Class/Work/Rosary
12:00 Free/Exercise/Rest
1:00 Daytime Prayer
1:15 Lunch with Recreation
2:00 Apostolate/Class/Work
5:30 Eucharistic Adoration
6:30 Evening Prayer
7:00 Dinner
8:00 Recreation
9:00 Night Prayer/Examen
10:00 Rest in His Sacred Heart
*Times may vary due to the needs of the apostolate but the pillars of our prayer always remain the same.
If you knew the gift of God…
“The wonder of prayer is revealed beside the well where we come seeking water: there Christ meets every human being. It is He who first seeks us and asks for a drink. Jesus thirsts; His asking arises from the depths of God’s desire for us.”
-Constitutions, par 106