“Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart…”

“My daughter, what do you seek?” It is with this question that a new sister is brought through the convent doors and enters formation with the community. As a sister continues in formation, this question remains always present. Throughout formation a young woman is always free, she may leave whenever she wishes. If she chooses to stay it is because she has found what she is seeking, she has found Christ. It is His Love, His call in the silence of her heart that will strengthen her and continue to draw her to rest in Him alone.
Aspirancy: 6 Months
“See what love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God…”
Aspirancy is the first stage of a young woman’s formation. It is a beautiful time of setting out on the path the Lord is drawing her on—helping her to let go of the world and cling to Jesus alone in love. It is a time of encountering the joy of leaving all to follow Christ. Aspirancy lasts between 6 months and one year.
Postulancy: One-Two Years
“I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly…”
Postulancy is the second step in formation. Having become familiar with the life, customs, and prayer of the community, a young woman may discern with the community to continue into postulancy. Postulancy is blessed time to be formed more deeply in the life of the community and to deepen the human formation upon which preparation for vows will later build.
“A garden enclosed is my sister, my bride…”
Novitiate: Two Years
Novitiate is a very special time in the formation of every sister. If a postulant knows herself to be called to continue in formation she may freely write and request entrance into Novitiate. With the community’s discernment, the young woman will receive a new name (a symbol of her new mission in Him) and the habit of the community. The first year of novitiate is a sister’s “canonical year” in which Mother Church hides her close to the Heart of Jesus. A novice in this year does not serve in the apostolate but rather spends more time in prayer and study within the community. It is a time of focused preparation for being espoused to Christ and professing the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
First Profession
“I am my Beloved’s and He is mine…”
“I give myself, with my whole heart, to Jesus my Spouse and this community of the Missionaries of the Word…” Within the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the young sister will freely lay down her life through the profession of the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. According to Church Law, the vows are professed for one year and will be renewed annually for at least five years before a sister may freely request admittance to final vows. The day of profession is a day of great joy for each sister and for the community!
Juniorate: 5+ years
“Day by day I will bless you…”
Having professed first vows, a sister enters into greater responsibilities within the community and learns to integrate her formation with the daily living of community life and the apostolate.
Final Vows
“I will espouse you to Me forever.”
In the months just preceding final vows, a sister will again step back from the apostolate, as in novitiate, and be given more time for prayer and study so as to prepare her heart for the joy of professing final vows. Over the past almost ten years she will have discerned and tested her vocation with the help of the community. With a deep knowledge of her own poverty, God’s mercy, and especially His tender love, she approaches the sacred day of her final profession. On that joyous day, a sister freely vows for life poverty, chastity, and obedience, so as to become wholly given to our Lord. Her life is now irrevocably and entirely His.